
Detroit City Wire

Friday, March 28, 2025

Who voted in Northwestern City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01280 during 2020 Presidential Election?

Webp dtjb1801

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Northwestern City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01280 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 370 of the 767 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 48.2% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Northwestern City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01280 reveals 2.6% of the total supporting Republicans, and 96.9% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 397 registered voters in Northwestern City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01280 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 800 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Northwestern City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01280, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Northwestern City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01280
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron Azariah Turner01/01/200118417 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Aaron Jerome Cowan01/01/199918408 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Aaron Keith Gary01/01/198218910 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Adrian Edward Harrell01/01/196719020 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Adrian Edward Harrell01/01/200019020 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Adrienne Lorri Rostick01/01/195517565 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ahmadou Niang01/01/196519041 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Alahna Joy Barnett01/01/197818981 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Albert John-wesley Harris01/01/197318411 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Albert Lee Arrington01/01/195318417 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Alett Mialieau Jacobs01/01/197418928 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Alexandra La-shanon Garvin01/01/196918458 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Alexis Armani-royce Hamilton01/01/199518550 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Alfred Farrington01/01/198118572 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Alfred Perry Dunwoody01/01/195718140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Alice Marie Collins01/01/195518960 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Alisa Lashawn Kelsey01/01/197418171 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Alvean Celestine Coleman01/01/197218991 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Amir Delavon Barnett01/01/200218981 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Amonya Michelle Taylor01/01/197418435 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Andre D. King01/01/198118960 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Andre Demetrius Dowd01/01/196518941 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Andre Grant01/01/200018527 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Andre Maurice Smith01/01/199818426 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Andre Maurice Smith01/01/197118426 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Andre Pierre Diggs01/01/196117511 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Andrea Latrice Whitfield01/01/197318991 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Andrel Janaia Cameron-Neal01/01/198117631 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Andrell Porter01/01/195918528 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Andrew Louis Jones01/01/197318458 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Angel Michele Hall01/01/197818499 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Angela Eyonette Bailey01/01/199118475 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Angela Faye Barry01/01/199618581 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Angela Francine Bush01/01/196918919 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Angela Gayle Reed01/01/198719006 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Angela Louise Register01/01/196320415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Angela Marie Adams01/01/197718238 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Angelina Ross Berry01/01/196118951 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Angeline Ross-Berry01/01/196118951 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anika Imani Braggs01/01/199518458 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anita Diana Barry01/01/199318581 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anita Lavette Sams01/01/196018411 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Anita Marie Simmons01/01/198918967 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Anitra Patrice Jones01/01/197717544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Anitra Rochelle-monique Lester01/01/199017622 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anjeanne Lauriel Adams01/01/200118238 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Annette Ella-wees Chambers01/01/198018532 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Annette Lajoyce Green01/01/195718534 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Annie B. Diggs01/01/193917511 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Anthony Harris01/01/196318527 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Anthony Leon Myles01/01/198918935 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anthony Malik Esters-Douthet01/01/199518549 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anthony Ray McNutt01/01/196218556 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anthony W. Bentley01/01/196018525 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Antiony Robert01/01/199420201 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anton Lamont Wiggins01/01/198418509 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Anton Williams01/01/198118411 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Antonio Rj Patterson01/01/198718415 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Antonio Wilcher01/01/197318411 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Arden Selene Krisel-Wilson01/01/195818524 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Aretha Diane Hunt01/01/196820415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ariel Donyale Jones01/01/199418570 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Armand Jamal-lamont Wilson01/01/199518900 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Armanda Deshaunda Ashford01/01/198118551 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Artavia Lucrica Smith01/01/198218458 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ashanda Monette Armbrester01/01/197518485 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ashanti Leann Montgomery01/01/199318542 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ashley Elizabeth-gwin Meeks01/01/198918492 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Assita Doumbia01/01/200018473 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Audrey Hobson01/01/196018459 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Audrey Renaye Billingslea01/01/197718565 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Austell J. Davis01/01/198018445 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Austell J. Davis01/01/195318445 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bahiah Simone Hudley01/01/198618417 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Barron Stanley Hatcher01/01/197418566 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Beatrice Smith01/01/192418915 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ben Willie Tenner01/01/197818445 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Benitta Marie May01/01/197618134 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bennie Edward Golden01/01/196919024 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Bennie Edward Golden01/01/199019024 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Bennie Ray Campbell01/01/199518127 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Bernice Harris01/01/195018491 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bertha Lee Thomas01/01/192519019 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Billie Hyma Smith01/01/193620415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Blake Anthony Jordan01/01/198818972 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bobbie Ann Davison01/01/197018424 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Bonika Miyoshi Singleton01/01/198518435 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Braddie Bentley01/01/197018421 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brandi Marie Warlix01/01/198819000 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brandi Michelle Stallworth01/01/197718556 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brandon Dawayne Ector01/01/197118418 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brandon Lee-carey Bush01/01/199317580 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brandon Martez Coleman01/01/198917650 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brandon Nicholas Barber01/01/198518948 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brandon Vicenta-emanuml Garrett01/01/198317501 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brandy Ivory Glenn01/01/197819026 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brenda Curry01/01/195418519 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brenda Joyce Brown-Fabre01/01/194818483 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Brenda L. Hunter01/01/195418959 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brendan Douglas Hall01/01/199018450 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brian Christopher Adams01/01/199418528 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Briana Eboni Warren01/01/199218441 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Briana Gabrielle Thorpe01/01/198918461 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Briana Latrice Wilson01/01/199718900 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Bridget Dolores Timmons01/01/196220415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Britteny Bianca Harvey01/01/199118532 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bruce Anthony Chambers01/01/195017608 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Brunice Deborah-regina Hollowell01/01/195618490 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bryan Lewis Hall01/01/196718450 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Bryce Danyel Johnson-Rice01/01/199618563 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Buenos Maria Paige01/01/196218490 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Calvin Arvette Davis01/01/197118989 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Calvin Chandler01/01/195718492 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Calvin Christian Chandler01/01/198418421 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Camyra Danielle Jones01/01/198918540 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Canote Elaine Butler01/01/197819031 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carl Lamar Taylor01/01/199218435 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carl Lamont Phelps01/01/198918544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carl Lavell Bennett01/01/197918499 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Carl Norman Smith01/01/194418540 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carl Tabari Smith01/01/197918540 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carla Mychal Marley01/01/199118498 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carletta Nicole Borders01/01/198418923 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Carlos Lamont Land01/01/198418957 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Carmalita Charmain Blunt01/01/198718970 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carmen Iris Velazquez-Soto01/01/194717564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Carmen Marie Moss01/01/198317622 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Carol Ann Brown01/01/195117665 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Carol D. Wilkerson-Pitts01/01/195518291 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Caron D. Hudspeth01/01/199718286 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Carrie Ann-lynn-walker Kiekens01/01/197918518 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Cartier Lanay Guthdrige01/01/198418531 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Casandra Fountain01/01/196118998 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Casandra I. Fountain-Thurman01/01/196118998 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Catherine Ann Benesh01/01/196318484 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Catherine Jackson01/01/193417544 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Catherine Tracy Rice01/01/196218417 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Catrina Marlena Micou01/01/198418572 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Chad Edward Buffington01/01/196718536 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Chanell Shante Williams01/01/199118409 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Charlene Christele Ladouceur01/01/194417549 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Charlene Elaine Harris01/01/198019009 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Charlene Marie Breakfield01/01/194718943 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Charlene Nicole Wilson-Thomas01/01/197918900 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Charles Lajohn Watkins01/01/197420415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Charlie Louis Logan01/01/197018540 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Charmaine Danielle Weemes01/01/198718450 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Cheniqua Unique Williams01/01/199118540 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cherie Rosemarie Doebler01/01/198018431 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Cheryl D. Walton-Cole01/01/195518403 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cheryl Denice Gates01/01/196417573 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cheryl Lela Patton01/01/195518490 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cheryl Lynn Leavell01/01/196518976 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cheryl Maurine Andrews01/01/195018149 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Chester Jackson01/01/195719013 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Chika William Lewis01/01/197718468 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Chris Kelly01/01/196818291 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Christina Joyce Jones01/01/199018550 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Christine Fowler Neal01/01/196417517 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Christopher Lamar Tuggle01/01/199718996 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Christopher Michael Patton01/01/198018490 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Christopher Patrick Cavanaugh01/01/195918156 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ciara Carteaa Jones01/01/198918550 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ciaria May Thomas01/01/193718541 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Clarence Ivory01/01/195617614 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Clarence Paul McKnight01/01/197218511 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Claris May Thomas01/01/193718541 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cleon Chatman01/01/195218266 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Cleon Chatman01/01/197418266 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Cleopatrica Dillard01/01/196018975 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Clifton Demond Krisel01/01/197518524 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Clive Obrian Coateston01/01/199119008 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Connie I. Randall01/01/194018550 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Constance Joan Wells01/01/197918912 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cora Virna Morgan01/01/194918910 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Corey Lamar Dawson01/01/199018498 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Corey Lamar Wilkins01/01/199218127 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Corey Lamont Jones01/01/197818440 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Corey Woodson01/01/197518564 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Cornell Grant01/01/196518409 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Courtney Weston Bailey01/01/200218940 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Craig Michael Jackson01/01/196118509 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Craig Steven Johnson01/01/196918921 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dahnjanai Elyssia Dean01/01/200217537 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Daja Denise Hatcher01/01/199918566 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dajahnique Shaquan Green01/01/199618233 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dajujuan Anthony Alexander01/01/199717618 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dameca Lashawne Campbell01/01/197618556 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Damon Antowan Seay01/01/200018220 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Damon Christopher Fowler01/01/198617517 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Damon Darelle Chambers01/01/197418440 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Damon Keith Perreo01/01/196118581 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Damon M. Harvey01/01/196818581 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Damon Richard Nelson01/01/198818440 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dan H. Miller01/01/195718510 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Danette Jarrett01/01/195817524 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dangelo Dantae Saunders01/01/198918140 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Darnequia Lloyd01/01/199017551 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Darryl Cedric Campbell01/01/196218465 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Davena Amore Vance01/01/198718900 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Daveon Jerome Watkins01/01/199818965 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
David Crockett01/01/195618543 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Davonta Shaquan Hence01/01/199218482 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Daylah Elaine Smith01/01/200018458 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Daynelle Renee Barksdale01/01/198518424 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
De-Juan Clarence-ramon Hearn01/01/198818974 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
DeWitt Denard Jackson01/01/197517635 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Deandre Semaj Fuller01/01/199118565 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Deborah Verna Crawford01/01/195218162 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Debra Elaine Corbin01/01/195918450 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Deirdre Shamone Paul01/01/198218458 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Delois Minus-Robbins01/01/194518200 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Demarcius Rashod Cooper01/01/199817527 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Denise Lisa Harvey01/01/196918532 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Denise Yvonne Jennings01/01/195118562 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Denisha Chanele Fountain01/01/198718998 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dennis Clark Warner01/01/196018484 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dennis James Wilson01/01/195418524 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Denzell J. Littleton01/01/198718540 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Deondray Sherrod Clark01/01/197720415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dequanda Marie-rahkeema May01/01/199518134 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Derek Edwin Stallworth01/01/196818556 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Deric Tremell Hudgens01/01/198718435 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Deshawn Anthony Spillman01/01/199218419 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Deshun Rena Owens01/01/196918451 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Devantue Wilkerson01/01/199718556 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Devoriah Jean Grant01/01/195618527 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Diamond Iniya-marie Cooper01/01/199218412 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Diamond Janel Bateman01/01/199919030 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dianne Denise Smith01/01/195018426 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dion Rayenale Robertson01/01/198718467 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dominique Joslyn-loshelle MacKlin01/01/199418965 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Domonique Desiree Tansil01/01/199018572 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Donald Keion-antonio Spencer01/01/199118580 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Donald Rankins01/01/196918467 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Donavan Ricardo Smith01/01/197018232 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Doniel Demico Harris01/01/197318990 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Donna Cook01/01/197118527 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Donnyal Lavette Collins01/01/196918919 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dontrail Markell Montgomery01/01/199918457 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Douglass Kaye Thomas01/01/197218900 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Dushaun Antonio-demetrius Stewart01/01/198118140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dwight Jackson01/01/195317544 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dwuane Maurice Green01/01/198218580 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Dyvon Anthony-jah-bar Ortiz01/01/199120415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ebony Melina Fields01/01/198519000 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Edward Alan Turner01/01/196918540 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Edward Andre Coleman01/01/195418967 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Edwin George Fabre01/01/194518483 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Edwyon Donrais Reed01/01/198018467 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Eldridge Allen Carr01/01/197818959 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Elijah Naeem Bell01/01/199818912 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Diane Reynolds01/01/198318572 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Elizabeth Marie Mulwee01/01/195717630 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Emanie Michelle Montgomery01/01/199518457 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Emari Davon Chambers01/01/200218532 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Emerald Corrine Wright01/01/199818254 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Eric Dana Williams01/01/197117570 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Eric Danielle Gary01/01/197718441 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Erica Latoia Burrell01/01/198218556 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Erica Rachelle Wilson-Brandon01/01/197218254 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Erica Sherese Andrews01/01/197818218 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Erickshia Geneva Carlton01/01/199418571 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Erik Barnes01/01/196518156 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Erik Elijah Barnes01/01/199618156 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Erlese Calidonia Mason01/01/196118162 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ernest Joseph Anderson01/01/199619030 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ernest Michael McCree01/01/195418541 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Erniece Clarelle Walker01/01/199218550 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Esther Danielle Carson01/01/199018134 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ethel Lee Early01/01/194718461 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Evelyn Chappel01/01/194418950 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Everette Rickardo Lowman01/01/195818120 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Everette Swarts01/01/199018120 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Evertte Ricardo Swartz01/01/199018120 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Falona Monique Robinson01/01/197818944 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Faye Russell Porter01/01/195218434 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Francesca Shenell-laresse Gibson01/01/198318490 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Frank Smith01/01/195920415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Freddie Thomas01/01/195618910 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Frederick Eugene Borden01/01/197118942 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Frederick Eugene Borden01/01/199518942 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Frederick Maurice Smith01/01/195918440 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Fredrekah Aminah Snell01/01/198418484 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Gabrielle Latrice Dawson01/01/199318556 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Garland Demoine Cole01/01/196118148 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Garrie Odell Black01/01/196418245 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gayla Bellamy01/01/197218427 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Gene Lashawn-laron Price01/01/197518218 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Genevieve Alicia Taylor01/01/198718461 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
George B. Snodgrass01/01/196218520 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gerald Esters01/01/195318549 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Gerald Howard Freeman01/01/196819000 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Geraldine Murphy McLeod01/01/194018445 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gjervon Rodney Williams01/01/199418565 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Glenn F-c Garrett01/01/196417501 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Gloria J. Garrett01/01/193018162 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Gregory Bond01/01/196518561 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gregory Duane-johnson Taylor01/01/199318928 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Gregory Hosea-arthur Mathis01/01/197618510 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gregory Tyrone Brown01/01/197120415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gwendolyn Akinruli01/01/195718419 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gwendolyn Robinson01/01/195418944 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Gwendolyn Steele01/01/196018481 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Hattie Seline Johnson01/01/199417622 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Herbert Reedus01/01/196418499 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Herlandas Chavon Parham01/01/197918447 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Herman Jl Foreman01/01/194417525 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
India Elise Menyweathers01/01/199718434 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
India Monique Thompson-Bey01/01/200018995 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ira Lamar Neal01/01/198617631 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Irene Margaret Near01/01/192118967 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Isaiah Mims Southward01/01/195219027 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jacarol Antrenette Jones01/01/199717544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jacoria Patrice Jones01/01/199917544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jacqueline Christina Braxton01/01/198618926 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jacqueline Elise Menyweathers01/01/196918434 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jacquelyn Della Richard01/01/199218966 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jaelen Kiron-jerome Honeycutt01/01/200118518 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jahnae Ann Hampton01/01/199018450 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jai Davon Purry01/01/197218543 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jajuan D. Jones01/01/200117544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jajuan Demetrius Jones01/01/197817544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jajuan M. Rosemond01/01/199517525 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jamar Adam Sanders01/01/200017602 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jameela Renee Goodspeed01/01/198618449 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
James Allen Williams01/01/195717517 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
James Anthony-cameron Tucker01/01/199218411 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Antonio-meyers Robinson01/01/197518280 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Chieve Clausell01/01/199918226 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Cleveland Fortson01/01/196718550 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Deon Wheeler01/01/197318968 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Edward Hurt01/01/198018911 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Jennings01/01/194818562 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
James Jumisko01/01/192318163 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
James Rashawn Dixon01/01/198818419 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jan Marie Lockett01/01/195818451 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Janerio Spriggs Andrews01/01/197218149 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Janice Byrne Carey01/01/195517580 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Janie Louise Moore01/01/197218191 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jarmel Damon Swartz01/01/197218120 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jashuan Peterson01/01/197318227 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jasmine Arnold01/01/199718566 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jasmine Janell-gloriana Pollard01/01/199518918 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jasmine Nicole Williams01/01/199618936 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jasmyne Danielle Whitfield01/01/199518991 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jason Alexander Raymond01/01/199018492 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jason Darnell Williams01/01/199818140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jason Derek Martin01/01/197318975 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jason Levell Hampton01/01/198418450 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jatoshia Dionka Randall01/01/198818556 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Javan Dimetriace Brooks01/01/198518570 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jaylyn Tyler Harris01/01/199918990 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jeanne Ann Adams01/01/194818238 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jeffrey Petties01/01/195618120 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jennifer Elaine McNutt01/01/196218556 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jermaine Tyrell Steele01/01/198018435 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jerrell Thomas-joe Spillman01/01/198718419 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jerry Orlando Madison01/01/196718408 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jessica Lee Johns01/01/198218519 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jessica Shaina Fowler-Howard01/01/199317517 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jessie James Collins01/01/195118919 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jill Marie Mann01/01/195817622 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jimmie Issaac Wiggins01/01/196817500 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jimmie Lee Jackson01/01/194618426 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jimmie Lee Tenner01/01/198718445 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jimmy E. Hill01/01/197318450 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jimmy Lee Robbinson01/01/195418445 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jme Marie Teasley01/01/199318479 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Joe Evetter-steveson Strawther01/01/196518435 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Joel Ricks01/01/196819007 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
John F. Williams01/01/196018435 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
John Louis West01/01/197918563 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Johnneisha Rashondra Davis01/01/199717527 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Johnnie Mae Benion01/01/193618900 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jonthan Wasley-dwayne Driscoll01/01/197218991 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jordan Anthony Ridout01/01/199718238 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Jordan Malik Lomax01/01/199920415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Josa Bell Fail01/01/195218990 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Jose Antonio Martinez-Velazquez01/01/196517564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Joselyn Lenice-ieisha Mitchell01/01/198418977 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Josett Louise Thomas01/01/197118459 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Joshua Edward Robinson01/01/199418246 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Joshua Paul Redd01/01/199118520 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Joshua Wilbur Bailey01/01/199318417 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Joyce Marie Scott01/01/195118551 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Juandell Deandrice-renard Mathews01/01/197717600 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Juanita Estelle Sanders01/01/195518563 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Julius Olugbenga Akinruli01/01/195018419 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kahdima Lanise Hence01/01/199118482 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kameron Marie Reid01/01/199518950 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Karen King Chambers01/01/196117608 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Karen Renee Smith01/01/195718953 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kathleen Marie Smith01/01/195218955 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Katie L. Johnson01/01/195018400 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kawanna Nicole Naope01/01/198317665 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Keairre Shantinique Moore01/01/199218291 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kedysia Onea-latrice Dudley01/01/199918434 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keenan Trevon Carmichael01/01/199917618 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keisha Denise Westbrook01/01/198718941 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keith Lamont Nettles01/01/197917525 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keith Lonell Seay01/01/196018464 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keith Smith01/01/196517609 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keiyon Leray Williams01/01/199118572 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kelly Dionne Walker01/01/196718497 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kelvin Blakes01/01/197118260 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kenya Raquel Borden01/01/197318942 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kenya Renee Early01/01/197518461 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kenyatta Laron McLeain01/01/197817609 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kenyatta Nichole Rich01/01/198018911 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keona Janae Anderson01/01/199518232 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Keoria Cowanda-charnit Herndon-Early01/01/199818461 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kevin Carmichael01/01/196917618 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kevin Jerome Kerr01/01/198820415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kevin Michael Reynolds01/01/198517503 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kevin Wayne Montgomery01/01/196018491 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Khadija Nicole King01/01/199418141 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Khaleed Willie McBride01/01/199817618 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kierron Elysse Dean01/01/197717537 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Kim Mance01/01/196418482 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kingston Forbes01/01/196318542 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kinte Demoine Burrell01/01/197818556 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Konstance Tene Cato01/01/197418543 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kristina Tracy Wilson01/01/198918417 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Krystal Daylashy McCloud01/01/200018246 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kyesha Breann-simanthia Evans01/01/198518901 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kyra Jacqueline Baker01/01/200120415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Kysaji Joanita Izeria Green-Early01/01/200318461 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lacree Imani Wallace01/01/199319015 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ladon Anthony Hampton01/01/196817500 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lakenya Nicole Rich01/01/200118911 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lakisha Marishiha White01/01/197718534 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lalitte Latrice Kinnard01/01/198018434 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lambert Jones Coateston01/01/196419008 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lamika Johnson01/01/198517588 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lamont Leon Sanders01/01/197918563 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lanita Mercedes Richardson01/01/198818984 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lanyah Tanee Barnett01/01/200118981 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Laquan Booker01/01/200118544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Larry Cornell Jackson01/01/194919031 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Larry Eugene Steeple01/01/194218941 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Larry Ray Jackson01/01/199218968 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lashae Lakeitha Johnson01/01/199218983 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lashawn Denise Robinson01/01/197518944 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lasonia Duray Chatman01/01/197018951 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latasha Michelle Rogers01/01/197618427 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latasha Nichelle Tate01/01/197018582 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latisha Iisha Davis01/01/199018470 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latisha Lee Rutledge01/01/198517524 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latisha Marie Wilkins01/01/197218127 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latosha Denise Moore01/01/198918580 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Latoya Samone Cotton01/01/198218903 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Latrice L. Parker01/01/198918459 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Latricia Evette Woodson01/01/197718564 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Laura Anisa Love01/01/196920415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Laurence Martez Shaw01/01/198418415 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lavail Flamer01/01/198320415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lavonne Williams01/01/195718225 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lawrence Lewis01/01/195418934 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leanders Shariff McGee01/01/197018991 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leanna Nicole Phelps01/01/199018544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lee Andrew Lewis01/01/192119007 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lee Andrew Paymon01/01/197918967 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lee Erwin Johnson01/01/195818403 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lee M. Coleman01/01/198117603 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lemar Christian Brown01/01/199518459 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leon Johnson01/01/195218400 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Leslie Joan Torres01/01/199017564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leslie Joan-torres Martinez01/01/199017564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leslie Wynn Littlejohn01/01/198518918 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leyander Booker01/01/198618544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Leyander Booker01/01/195518544 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Liber Louisa Ingram01/01/193318956 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Linda Darlene Bentley01/01/195318525 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Linda Lawson01/01/195118935 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Linda Marie Bland01/01/195518464 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lisa Michelle Williams01/01/196518134 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lisa Renee Jackson01/01/196818156 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lisa Tina White01/01/196418910 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lois Elana Harris01/01/195119009 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lonzell Donta-scott Miller01/01/199418466 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lorenzo Darnell Bridgmon01/01/198718970 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lorenzo Edward Anthony01/01/196518207 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lorenzo Wilkerson01/01/197817537 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Lori Lynne Wasson01/01/196418936 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Loucis Marbra01/01/195018974 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Louis C. Johnson01/01/196618572 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Luella Hearn-Parker01/01/194718996 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Lyron Edward Bridgeforth01/01/199418157 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Malik Dwayne Montgomery01/01/199617551 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Malik Mashaux Evans01/01/200118556 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marcelus Alontae Love01/01/199218551 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marcia Ann Bunch01/01/196020415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marcus Deonte Garvin01/01/198018478 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marcus Mt Toggle01/01/199418996 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marebecca Harris01/01/192317614 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Margaret Ann Sawyers01/01/195418473 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mariah Lynnette-tennille Jenkins01/01/199218935 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marie Delois Gadson01/01/196418478 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marie Shanise Carter01/01/198418557 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mario Antoine Butler01/01/197520227 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Mario Moore01/01/195718543 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Mario Vincent Nealy-Taliaferro01/01/198718989 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mario Vincent Taliaferro01/01/196118989 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marlene Holley01/01/196618493 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marquese Lamar Gray01/01/199618519 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marqueze Rasheed Stapleton01/01/200118551 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marquila Marie Massada01/01/195919007 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marquise Alexander Collins01/01/199518960 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marquise Latisa McDowell01/01/198918487 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marshayla Jasminelatia-lynn Thompson01/01/199218260 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Martez Antonio Hall01/01/199018435 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Martha Ann Taylor01/01/195318219 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Martie Ayers01/01/198618420 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Marvin Dean Norfleet01/01/197719026 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Marvin Lovejoy01/01/194920227 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mary Bonita Hatcher01/01/197518566 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Mary Jean White01/01/194918999 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mary Lelia Timmons01/01/194220415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mary Marie Moore01/01/198019000 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Matoya Lessine Dudley01/01/198018550 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Matthew Harvey Wilson01/01/199818254 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Maurice Hawkins Williams01/01/200118140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Maurice Thompson01/01/199018485 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Melantha Miller01/01/196918126 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Melonie Renee Fletcher01/01/199018936 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Melvin Karl Thomas01/01/196417567 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mercedez Domaniquica McDaniels01/01/198218485 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michael Anthony Willis01/01/197217600 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michael Bruce Haywood01/01/197818989 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michael Charles Terry01/01/199318958 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michael Devontae Shirley01/01/199318531 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michael Jerome Patton01/01/195118490 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Michael Jerry Harris01/01/196919009 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Michael Junior Harbin01/01/198218528 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michael Vines01/01/195418464 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michele Aaron01/01/197018561 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Michele Elaine Ester01/01/197118549 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Michele Kenneth Carlisle01/01/199218976 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michelle Laverne Brown01/01/195818465 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Michelle Lynn McKinney01/01/198218417 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michelle Patrice Hudson01/01/198818915 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Michelle Renee Carr01/01/197718959 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Michelle Shanette Collins01/01/198318960 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Miguel Odell Jones01/01/199818470 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Mijah Rennell-leavonne Coach-Morgan01/01/199418466 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Mitchum Devonne Howard01/01/197817609 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Mona Lissa Singleton-Fulmore01/01/195418950 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Monica Ramirez Cruz01/01/197417564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Monica Verneice Neal01/01/199717517 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Montez Terril Miller01/01/199618466 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Montre Chavez Adams01/01/199617635 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Montyne Thomas01/01/196118170 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Morgan K. Verge01/01/200218561 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Myra Elain Williams01/01/197517517 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Myron Washington01/01/196018484 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Nadina Twinette Butler01/01/196019031 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Namon Anthony Pitts01/01/195418416 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nathan Bond01/01/196618561 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nathaniel Duke Burns01/01/195018207 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nicholas David Bryant01/01/198118557 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nichole Miller01/01/197218170 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nicole Kelly Thomas01/01/198218474 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nicole Lushundra-april Mathis01/01/197818510 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nicole Marie Carey01/01/197417580 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Nicole Quintelle Rozier01/01/198518910 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Nigel Dana Nichols01/01/196518291 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Norma Jean Traylor01/01/195618171 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Noudiamintoya Latonice Molsby01/01/197818976 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Octavia Monai Hatcher01/01/199718566 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ora L. Steeple01/01/194618941 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ozel Green01/01/193918534 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Paige Sharrone Thompson01/01/199318474 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Pamela Y. Whiley01/01/196318491 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Paris Genvieve England01/01/199519035 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Paris Julien McMickel01/01/197418450 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Patricia Ann Hunter01/01/195118140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Patricia Ann Johnson01/01/195418416 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Patrina Latice Cooper01/01/197018412 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Paul Alan Sheffield01/01/195818411 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Percy Ainsworth01/01/199218565 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Percy Ainsworth01/01/196618565 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Percy Lee Jones01/01/195618459 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Percy Long01/01/199118948 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Perry Lee Rich01/01/196618911 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Philip Warren Adams01/01/194719004 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Phillip Andre Bell01/01/196717561 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Pierre Demetrius Mason01/01/198418162 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Pinkie Faberje Wilkins01/01/199918127 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Rachel Brianna Hollowell01/01/199718490 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Rachel Christine Lee01/01/199218911 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Raeshia Karleatta Jones01/01/198618441 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Raheem Abdul Glynn01/01/197917525 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ralondo Terron Boyce01/01/199318964 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ramira Angel Wesley01/01/200118519 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ramon Luis Casillas01/01/197917564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Randall Gray01/01/196518420 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Randy Wayne Black01/01/196218945 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Rashad Maleek Trice01/01/199618491 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Raymond Bernard Simmons01/01/196918967 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Raynaldo Andre Williams01/01/198218521 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Raynard Jackson01/01/196718227 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Reada Ann Scarborough01/01/194018554 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Reco Mendell Scott01/01/198218411 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Regina Adlee Brown01/01/196117561 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Regina Jai Webb01/01/198117503 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Reginald Duan Mayes01/01/199618490 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Reginald Lashawn Hunter01/01/197018140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Rene Cameron01/01/195917631 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Renee A. Johnson01/01/198218461 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Renica Ann Williams01/01/197218440 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Richard Dewayne Coburn01/01/197217568 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Richard Jacob Maldonado01/01/198218499 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Rickie Dwight-martin Bowles01/01/194518990 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Edward Black01/01/198720415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert George Lemmons01/01/198118976 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Holmes01/01/196118170 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Keith Brown01/01/198218525 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Lenard Patton01/01/197318943 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Louis Garrett01/01/195018417 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Rainwater01/01/194618556 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Robert Thomas01/01/199318170 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert William Brown01/01/197017665 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robert Williams01/01/198618459 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Roberta Gene Smith01/01/197618532 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Robin Lavonta Frazier01/01/197918519 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Roderick Radon Cook01/01/199018527 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Rodney Breion Gray01/01/198918550 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Rogers Antonia Thomas01/01/196218459 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ronald Curtis Coates01/01/196118952 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ronald Preston Coleman01/01/197618431 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ronnie Alexander01/01/198918126 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ronnie Aubry Morgan01/01/194818910 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Rose Elwyn Bryant01/01/194718287 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Rose McGhee01/01/194118435 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Ruby Jean Lee01/01/195218956 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Ruekia Lanette Culberson01/01/197418411 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sabrena Marie Warlix01/01/195919000 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sabrina Lanay Taliaferro01/01/196118989 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sadarius Ricks01/01/198919007 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sait Jallow01/01/197019051 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sam L. Anderson01/01/197918134 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Samantha Walter01/01/199618483 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Samuel Bernard Profit01/01/198418974 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sanders Bryant01/01/194518287 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sandra Joyce Armstrong01/01/194818924 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Satira Marie Scott01/01/198118474 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sean Contriental Harden01/01/198218157 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sean Omar Harris01/01/198818565 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Semaj A. Peterson01/01/199419031 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Semaj A. Richardson-Peterson01/01/199419031 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Semaria Lynae Pernell01/01/200018163 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shadeola Adeshile Akinruli01/01/198718419 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shakima Lishell Brown01/01/199218474 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shalene Dominique Soucie01/01/199718499 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shanaila Danine Garrison01/01/199918275 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shanecia Ethelda Whitley01/01/198418234 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shaneice Marquita Franklin01/01/199118971 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shannon Elijah Grooms01/01/199118974 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shantel Lanice Smith01/01/198418426 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shantia Monique Lymon01/01/198618923 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shantiqua Lha-nae-mo-che Powell01/01/199417537 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sharae Rosalee Hogan01/01/199918140 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sharde Elizabeth-may Bracey01/01/199318533 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sharise Lanay Taliaferro01/01/199118989 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shawn Christopher Gort01/01/196018557 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shawn Denise Mason-Pitts01/01/196718416 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shawndale Marie Reese01/01/198618427 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shawnta Renee Carter01/01/199320415 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sheila Renee Davis01/01/196418550 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shelly Jean Powell-King01/01/195418426 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sherray Cynthia Littleton01/01/197918541 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sherry Ayers01/01/195718420 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shervin Emmanuel Hazel01/01/196118557 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Sherwood Dale Brown01/01/199017561 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shilike Naondia Shaw01/01/197718415 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shirley Ann Ramsey-Holmes01/01/195517503 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shironda Ashley Harrison01/01/199718176 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Shonetrell Anita Turley01/01/197318491 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Shontayzia Danielle Trice01/01/199418491 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sierra Donise Scott01/01/199218557 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Siriman Sidibe01/01/197218465 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sonya Queen-esther Garrett01/01/196617501 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Stefan Antwain Douglas01/01/199018498 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Steven Andrews01/01/197718149 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Steven Gregory Neumann01/01/199018471 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Steven Timothy Murray01/01/197118492 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Stevie Lee Maniece01/01/199418519 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Stewart Miles Pollard01/01/198018287 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Sylvester Charles Heade01/01/196618286 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Taevion Floyd Hines01/01/199918975 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tajsarre Duran Golden01/01/198018523 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Takeeya Lavon Herndon01/01/197718498 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tamika L. Beal01/01/197218976 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tamika Lashawn Horton01/01/198918957 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Taneisha Rena Burns01/01/198018458 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tania Melba Baber01/01/199019007 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tarnecia Charmaine Hunter01/01/198118140 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tawwaab Shakia Foreman01/01/197718482 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tayler Moena Merriweather01/01/199618506 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Terry H. Mersier01/01/198218510 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Teutonia Curry01/01/197318519 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Theresa Long Bailey01/01/196518940 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Theresa Robinson01/01/195518440 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Theron Edward Dillard01/01/199218975 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Thomas Andrew Pernell01/01/198018163 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Thomas Earl Fields01/01/197819000 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Thomas Eugene Harris01/01/196118439 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tia Lashawna Gibson01/01/198718929 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tiana Dore-nashon Sparks01/01/199318557 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tiara Monet Glenn01/01/200119026 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tiffany Micole Ford01/01/197319041 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tillie Jean Bond01/01/196218561 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Timothy Alan Marsh01/01/198318464 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Timothy Paul Brown01/01/196218918 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tina Dianne Morrell01/01/195818570 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tiona Rachelle Brown01/01/199418459 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tito Sean Evans01/01/197117545 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Todd Sharnard Atkins01/01/197318449 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tomi S. Sawyers01/01/197418473 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tomi Sherell Sawyers01/01/197418473 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tommie Adrine Hawthorne01/01/194118528 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tonette Lashelle Johnson01/01/197218572 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tony Darnell Mitchell01/01/196018554 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tony Jones Connally01/01/199618528 Braile St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Torries Deshawn Lyle01/01/198318915 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Torya Ollice Collins01/01/197618919 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Toya Renee Jones01/01/196818470 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tracy Caroline Johnson01/01/196718950 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tracy Yvette Davis01/01/196318453 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Troy Nell Brandom01/01/196218901 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tyjuan Donyell Henderson01/01/198018927 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tykeshia Eulaliah Clements01/01/197818515 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tyreek Dejohn Wilkerson01/01/198218176 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Tyrone Derek Adams01/01/196718534 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tyrone Deshon King01/01/199017644 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Tyrone Lamarr Early01/01/199018467 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Valishia Sherell Chapman01/01/199018942 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Vanita Tenaye-angelica Carlisle01/01/199418976 Pierson St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Velazquel Johenna Martinez01/01/197317564 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Vera Mae Harrell01/01/196519020 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Vernice Alexander01/01/196118126 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Vernisha Monita Howard01/01/197617609 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Victor Anthony Lee01/01/196218956 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Victor Yancey Jones01/01/196918935 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Victor Yancy Jones01/01/194418935 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Victoria Chae Thorpe01/01/198818931 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Victoria Johnson-Black01/01/197318245 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Victoria Lynn Armstead01/01/197518935 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Victoria Lynn Sturgis01/01/198218996 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Vincent Joel Cooper01/01/196318184 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Virgil Edmonds01/01/198418190 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Wanda Bonita Grooms01/01/196218974 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Wanesa Thomas01/01/195219019 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Wiley Stephen Morrell01/01/195718570 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
William Charles-duke Burns01/01/200018207 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
William Eugene Conley01/01/199218403 Stout St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
William Harry Thompson01/01/197318260 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
William Henry Harris01/01/194518928 Patton St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Willie Albert Thomas01/01/194819019 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Williene Bond01/01/193718561 Fielding St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Wyatta Marie Taylor01/01/196318464 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Xavier Joel Feliciano-Rivera01/01/198617641 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Xavier McCurry01/01/199318254 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote
Yolonda Nicole Harris01/01/197717594 Heyden St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Yvonne Blakes01/01/195418260 Vaughan St, Detroit, MI 48219Voted
Zoro Hurder01/01/196518523 Kentfield St, Detroit, MI 48219Didn't Vote