
Detroit City Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Central NW City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01252

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central NW City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01252 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 439 of the 748 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 58.7% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Central NW City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01252 reveals 2.7% of the total supporting Republicans, and 96.9% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 309 registered voters in Central NW City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01252 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 888 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Central NW City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01252, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Central NW City of Detroit: Precinct Detroit City 01252
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Abigail Atalie Craib01/01/199116828 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Adrienne Lshea Pierce01/01/199316512 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ahmad Jamal Roundtree01/01/196516171 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Akisha Mekel Buckner01/01/197116905 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Alainah Alysha Cottrell01/01/199616192 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Alex Thomas01/01/195116242 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Alexander Charles McKinley01/01/198916192 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Alexis Dominique Green01/01/199216874 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Alfonzo Quaker01/01/197116241 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Alfreda V. Montgomery01/01/195216844 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Alice Ella Lake01/01/194316518 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Alisha Letisse Davis01/01/197616606 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Alkesha Monique Strawther01/01/198016141 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Allen Simmons01/01/196516683 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Alma Jean McKinney01/01/194816662 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Almetta Stafford01/01/195416877 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Alonzo Owen Wilson01/01/195416155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Alphonso Darnell Ricmond01/01/200016801 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Amber Arillian Williams01/01/199216685 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ametrious Louise Vaughn01/01/195016591 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Andre Duane Barnes01/01/196716133 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Andre Michael Caldwell01/01/197716623 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Andrena Symone Taylor01/01/199116633 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Andrew J. Bentley01/01/194216620 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Angela Grand01/01/197016869 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Angela Harkins01/01/196616835 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Angela Wheeler01/01/195716146 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Angeleatta Dortch01/01/197516166 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Angelee F. Bailey-Kpoyour01/01/195616551 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Angelique Raquel Berry01/01/196816187 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anisha Nicole Belk01/01/197716240 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anita Martyka Harkins01/01/196316835 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anita Thomas01/01/198616242 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Anita Whigham01/01/196716890 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Annie Lytel01/01/192216181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Anthony Andre Tisdale01/01/197016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anthony D. Wells01/01/196616673 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Anthony Deshone Ford01/01/200016227 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anthony Lamar Averett01/01/198216501 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anthony Pierre Marks01/01/198216133 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anthony Ronnel Steward01/01/196716155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anthony Ronny Wheeler01/01/195816140 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anthony Saturday Kpoyour01/01/195616551 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Antoinette Morant01/01/195516609 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Antonio Deangelo Cox01/01/198116190 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Antonio Fernando Jackson01/01/199016875 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Antonio Lamont Young01/01/198816524 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Antonio Mcallister Harkins01/01/196416835 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Antonio Terrell Adams01/01/199516501 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Antony Maiceo Williamson01/01/197716803 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Anttnices Cherome Tell01/01/198116600 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
April Larray Powell01/01/197216615 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Arbria Faye Smith01/01/196916620 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Archie Lee Taylor01/01/196016549 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ardra Young01/01/196216650 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Arie Tramaine Murry01/01/200316247 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ariel Capri Nash01/01/199016672 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Armone Mitchell01/01/199916828 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Arnell Derek Carmichael01/01/195216651 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Arnell Nicholas Carmichael01/01/197816651 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Arthur Raymond Hall01/01/195216500 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Artrist Lee Mays01/01/193916855 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Asenath Claudrica Love01/01/195216557 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ashanta Rockell Norton01/01/200216228 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ashley Dorene Marcellus01/01/198516584 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ashley Monet Moore01/01/199916818 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ashley Nicole Eubanks01/01/198616577 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ashley Renee Palmer01/01/198816519 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ashli Renee Thomas01/01/198816802 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Asia Nashea Solomon01/01/198916634 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Asmara Joy Wheeler01/01/199316146 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Audrey Ann Dotson-Miller01/01/195316867 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Audrey Beth Schwarcz01/01/195916908 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Audrey Dominique Carter01/01/199116805 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Aurion Simone Brown01/01/199816584 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Avise Jenelle Wilson01/01/199716682 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Azeaire Imani-renee Murry01/01/200116247 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Barbara J. Seabrooks01/01/195116676 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Barbara Jean Sellers01/01/193416810 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Benjamin Beasley01/01/196816162 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Benjamin Kos Hand01/01/196016656 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Benjamin Michael-Young Jr.01/01/199016230 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Betty Jean Porter01/01/194816866 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Betty Mae Kelly01/01/194916540 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Beverly Gale Richardson01/01/195516181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Bilan Latrese Ferrell01/01/198216874 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Blake Nyette Rayford01/01/197316535 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Bobbie Lee Johnson01/01/194516181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Bobby Dockery01/01/194816832 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Bobby Wayne Watson01/01/195516890 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Bobby Young01/01/196816650 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Brandi Victoria Edwards01/01/198916811 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Brandon Cordell Craig01/01/197816601 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Brandon Deon Royal01/01/198716215 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Brandon Lee Parrish01/01/198216824 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Brandon Markson01/01/198416592 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Brandye Parris Brooks01/01/197816883 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Breanna Muhammad01/01/199316904 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Breanna Shanta Hammons-Muhammad01/01/199316904 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Brenda Faye Sanders01/01/195316811 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Brenda Lorraine Lewis01/01/196616226 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Brian Lamont King01/01/196916133 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Brittany D. Warl01/01/198616855 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Calvin Davis01/01/194516239 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Calvin Deshun Richardson01/01/197816684 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Calvin L. Brooks01/01/198016532 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Calvin L. Kinchen01/01/199316192 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Caprice Deshawn Johnson01/01/197116647 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Carell Ann Banks-Williams01/01/195316621 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carl Daniel01/01/195516686 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carla Lashaw Taylor01/01/197316600 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Carlos J. Wilson01/01/197716683 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Carlos Richardo Atkinson01/01/197616841 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carmen Maria Sanders01/01/195716571 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carol Annarie McKinley01/01/199016192 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Carol Elizabeth Butler01/01/196216598 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Carolyn Bonita-hollins Gordon01/01/195516593 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carolyn Marie Dixon01/01/194416810 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carolyn Pyles Williams01/01/195316634 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Carylin Ann-johnson Lindsay01/01/195216612 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cassandra Dixon-Slappey01/01/195216616 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cassandra Pandora Reed01/01/196016585 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cassandra Yvette Porter01/01/196716866 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Catherine Smith-Triplett01/01/196916187 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cathy Trevaugh01/01/198316874 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Catina Renee Fogle01/01/197316155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Celeste Nicole Jones01/01/199816564 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Chanler Gibran McKnight01/01/200116633 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Charles Agnew McCullar01/01/197216592 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charles E. Govan01/01/194816670 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Charles E. Solomon01/01/195716605 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charles Edward Solomon01/01/199316626 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charles Jermaine Rogers01/01/198316645 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charles Rogers01/01/193716645 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charles Wright01/01/193316669 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charlynn Regnay Felder01/01/196816651 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Charmaine Grant01/01/193516518 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Chavon Cheri Porter01/01/197916510 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Chenae Marie Mathis01/01/199316883 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cheryl A. Black01/01/194916593 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cheryl Arline Black-Hunt01/01/194916593 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cheryl Denise Johnson01/01/195416626 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
China Ajena Johnson01/01/199616647 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Chris B. Feagin01/01/198316509 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Chrishawnia Lakeshia Hadden01/01/199116815 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Christen Darnel Bryant01/01/199016662 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christian David Andrews01/01/197816861 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Christian Lee Carter01/01/199216616 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christine Juliet Bryant-Hand01/01/196216656 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Christopher Allen Walker01/01/199316616 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christopher Eric Arrington01/01/197816170 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christopher Harrison Brown01/01/197316584 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Christopher Odell King01/01/197016133 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Christopher Richard Whigham01/01/199216890 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christopher Tremarquis Hubbard01/01/199316259 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christopher Wallace Brown01/01/199516584 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Christopher Wesley Brunson01/01/197916645 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cicero Montgomery01/01/195316844 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cimmeron Cardan Brooks01/01/198616179 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cindy Cleo Anderson01/01/198116540 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Clarice Ilene Gilbert01/01/195816657 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Claude Aaron Tarter01/01/195616819 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cle Anthony Vaughn01/01/197016656 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cleveland Beard01/01/195416677 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Clifford Bernard Green01/01/197916554 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Connie K. Young01/01/192716847 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Constance Earline Porter01/01/193416510 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Corey Ranier Moore01/01/197516532 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Corklyn Malik Murry01/01/198016247 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cornelius Henderson01/01/197116841 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Cortez Levirgil Dean01/01/198316534 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Courtney Stephan Archibald01/01/198716853 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Curtis Vincent Sims01/01/195616825 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Cynthia Ross01/01/197916687 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dadrian L. Seabrooks01/01/197616676 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Daisy Bell Young01/01/193416828 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dajah Monae Heath01/01/200016155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Daleray Lamont Palmer01/01/199216146 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Damon Lamont Shepard01/01/197216664 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dana Irving Howard01/01/195816615 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Daniel Lee Gates01/01/194716179 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Danielle Cherise Davis01/01/198316850 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dante Travelle Johnson01/01/199016687 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Danyale Nelson01/01/197216614 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Daria Leon-deneen Gatson01/01/199016886 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Darius Tyrone Jackson01/01/200216564 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Darlene Pennie George01/01/196016834 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Darnell Antonio Patton01/01/198716822 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Darnell Lorenzo Williams01/01/195516651 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Davon Quinell Shelman01/01/199216681 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Davonte Ravon Lang01/01/200116621 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dawn Elizabeth Price01/01/197316616 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deandrea Dechelle Sparks01/01/197716640 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deanna Lachelle Beasley01/01/196816162 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Deborah Ann Wills01/01/194816656 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deborah Diana James01/01/195316181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Deborah Hudson Quarles01/01/195116665 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Debra Ann Johnson01/01/195816627 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Debra Ellis01/01/196016620 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deidre Lee Brown01/01/197216584 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dejuanna Denee Brookins01/01/198516500 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dela Ruth Johnson01/01/194916816 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Delmonique Patrice Day01/01/197216825 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Demarray James Canty01/01/199616670 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Demetrius Paul Turner01/01/196916149 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Demetrius Quinton-murrell Kemp01/01/198416811 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Denise Ameila Sailes01/01/196816656 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Denise Tanie Clemons-Morgan01/01/198916822 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deon Fitzgerald Royal01/01/199016215 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Derhonda Porter01/01/197016866 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Derrick Gene Reed01/01/195816585 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Derrick Lamont Angel01/01/197116621 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Deshanta Alana King01/01/199514740 Florence St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Deshaun Jamaal Johnson01/01/198116605 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Deshon Andrew Crump01/01/197016136 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Desmond Terrell Jefferson01/01/199516640 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Destinie Delisha Dafney01/01/199016510 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Destiny Ciara-beverly Payne01/01/199116259 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Detoi Douvier McKinney01/01/197716662 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deundre James Leonard01/01/199416633 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Devin Marshall White01/01/197816634 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Devonte Chavez Johnson01/01/199316647 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Deysha Monique Matthews01/01/199416643 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Diamond Dominique Davis01/01/199716845 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Diane M. Lewis01/01/195416226 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Diane Marie Thrasher-Lewis01/01/195416226 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dianell Kamiko Hamilton01/01/198116634 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Diania Marie Ledbetter01/01/197516854 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dietrich Dmarco Earl01/01/199416684 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dion Terrell Henry01/01/196616640 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Djuan Antonio Williams01/01/199116155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Djuana Antoinette Arrington01/01/199016170 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dmitria Destiny Luke01/01/199616832 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dominic Ayette Arrington01/01/197016195 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dominick Eugene Gray01/01/200116654 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dominique Dianna Nickens01/01/198816174 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Domonique Darrel Smith01/01/199116620 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Donald Wayne Barton01/01/195516884 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Donalda Shena McKnight01/01/197616633 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Donelle Lamont Gates01/01/198216179 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Donyaye Alese Ware-Kirk01/01/199516657 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dorailontie Martell Strawther01/01/198216141 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dorian Adonious Conway01/01/199416840 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dorothy Louise Patton01/01/194616894 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dorothy Wilson01/01/193516683 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dwayne Allen Perdue01/01/197716213 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dwayne Turner01/01/197016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dwayne Waite01/01/196916828 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Dwight Donyale Meadows01/01/196716648 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dwyane Lamont Wright01/01/199816669 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Dylan Leah-mackenzie Miles01/01/200116525 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Eddie Watts01/01/194216181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Edward Daniels01/01/196616570 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Eileen Wilson01/01/194716660 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Elaine Elizabeth Gray01/01/194216860 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Eleanor Crump01/01/193316136 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Elizabeth Rudel Burts01/01/196416898 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ellann Bigham01/01/196816700 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Emel Davis01/01/197416606 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Emelda Ferguson01/01/192916693 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Emonty Lundy01/01/199816634 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Eric Lamont Canty01/01/197016670 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Eric Michael Mays01/01/196416855 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Erica Denise Long01/01/199416217 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Erica Lashon-lavina Bryant01/01/197916500 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Erin Joanne Carter01/01/199416901 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Erma Jean Sharpe01/01/194416561 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Erma Lee Cansler01/01/194616571 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Errykah Aliyah Martin01/01/199916663 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ethlyn A. Shirley01/01/194016183 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Evelyn Marie Jenkins01/01/195716909 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Everette Ramon George01/01/199316834 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Everton Radway01/01/197016183 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Farentto Quentez Nesbitt01/01/199416217 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Florean Stiger01/01/194016641 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Frank Davis Gordon01/01/194216593 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Fred Lee Davis01/01/198916663 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Gabrielle Christina Barksdale-Taylor01/01/198016223 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Garrod Kordell-lee Alexander01/01/197516159 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Gary Alan Elder01/01/195916880 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Gary Wilson Davis01/01/196216586 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Geness Antoinette Brooks01/01/200116609 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Geneva Jones01/01/193016596 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
George Clarence Gardner01/01/194616861 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
George Michael Henry01/01/195116181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Gerald Andre Daniel01/01/195916686 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Gerald Don Bridges01/01/196816133 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Geraldine Ellis01/01/194816620 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Geraldine White01/01/196016668 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Gilda Lashan Maxwell01/01/197616664 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Gina Marie Coleman01/01/195616501 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Goldie Jean Lewis01/01/194516691 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Gordon Keith Davis01/01/196716908 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Gwendolyn Elaine Allen01/01/195016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Harrold Plasant01/01/195016915 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Harryet Bernice Spivey01/01/194716585 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Hasan Darrell Miller01/01/195816181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Henry Alfred Williams01/01/193016634 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Henry Johnson Jr.01/01/193816181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Herbert Lawrence Wilson01/01/196116683 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Herbert Wilson01/01/193516683 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ira Bomar01/01/193016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Isaac Barry Lampkin01/01/194516259 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Isaiah Henry Brown01/01/193516663 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Isaiah Lavar Brown01/01/198616855 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Isaiah Martez Dinkins01/01/200116154 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Isaiah Tugwell01/01/195616855 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
J. W. King01/01/193816133 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jacqueline Benita Jones01/01/197016685 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jacqueline Danielle Falconer01/01/199016898 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jacquelyn Denise Kennedy01/01/196816811 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jacquelyn Louise Sumler01/01/194916868 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jacquetta Tiara Johnson01/01/199116687 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jael Yolanda Davis01/01/197816155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jamal Anton Nichols01/01/199516891 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jamara Crystal Lee01/01/197216851 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jamea Na-kea Jackson01/01/199316692 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Anthony Lee01/01/197016851 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Benjamin Peterson01/01/197216866 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Carl Hunt01/01/198716593 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Daniel Merritt01/01/198216633 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
James E. Lee01/01/194016851 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Edward Flake01/01/195116181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Edward Reed01/01/193216900 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
James Gregory Ellis01/01/196816620 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
James Leonard Swint01/01/194616851 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Richard Kendrick01/01/197416243 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
James Ronald Reed01/01/195416900 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Janay India Harris-Chandler01/01/198916230 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Janet Dorsey01/01/196116903 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Janice Elizabeth Cook01/01/195116181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Janine Holden01/01/197416228 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jasmine Lanette Smith01/01/199316166 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jason Allan Thomas01/01/198116589 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jason Isaiah Singleton01/01/197816606 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jaylen Cameron Stafford01/01/199916877 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jayshelle Denise Warfield01/01/199716897 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jazlynn Dyonnedra Cleary01/01/200116540 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jean Bernadette Richardson01/01/195816860 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jeanette Marie Pattman01/01/194416800 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jeffrey Kyle Taylor01/01/196216181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jennifer Michelle Walker01/01/198616891 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jerome Elloit Jones01/01/195016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jerome Michael Richardson01/01/195816860 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jerome Vincent Sandlin01/01/198516519 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jessica Gwendolyn Randolph01/01/197916190 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jhonae Marie-sharon Williams01/01/199716141 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jimmie L. Jones01/01/194816824 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jimmy Lee Henderson01/01/197216235 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Joanne Eleanor Johnson01/01/195216647 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Joanne Jones01/01/194116181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jody Pamalla Cotton01/01/196316155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
John Thomas Cansler01/01/194116571 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Johnathan David Gayles01/01/198816606 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Johnetta McCurtis01/01/193116181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Johnie Ewings01/01/197616905 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Johnnie Lee Jordan01/01/193716181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Johnnie Lumpkin01/01/195216181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Joi Johnson01/01/198116896 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Jonathan Trevor Carmichael01/01/198516651 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Jordan Andrew Cotton01/01/199416155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Joseph Anthony Wylie01/01/199516609 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Joseph Hampton01/01/197516846 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Josephine Henderson01/01/196316908 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Joshua Thomas Hull01/01/198116592 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Josie Banks01/01/193216655 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Josie Janay Jones01/01/199616685 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Joyceline Ann Wheeler01/01/193716146 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Juanita Moten01/01/193616686 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
June Denise Roy01/01/196216627 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
June Griffin01/01/197016171 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kahchaylah Chardonnaye Wilson01/01/199816810 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kaleed Isiah Hardwick-Constner01/01/199916820 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kamarr Richard Todd01/01/199516607 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Karen Elaine Williams01/01/195916136 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Karen Julieanne Brundidge01/01/198516655 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Karl Davis01/01/196816219 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Karon Erica Hamiel01/01/199516640 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Katherine B. Rogers01/01/196716851 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Katherine Thigpen01/01/194816200 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Katina Denise Harris01/01/197316230 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Katrina Lenae Brown-Davis01/01/196716615 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Katrina Marie Harris01/01/199316599 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kayleon Deamonie-rob Anderson-Jordan01/01/200116149 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kaylin Lee Dowdell01/01/198116525 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Keith Dion Major01/01/197916548 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Keith Eugene McKinley01/01/197616242 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Keith Romail Newson01/01/199416692 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kelly Ann-jamila Turner01/01/198416837 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kelvin Smith01/01/195716827 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kenadie Jewel Burns01/01/200016655 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kendrick Richmar Bridges01/01/196516228 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kenneth Eugene Martin01/01/196216181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kenyatta Lynn Meadows01/01/198716648 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kenyatta Spivey01/01/198916585 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kenyetta Maxamillion Spivey01/01/198916585 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kenyette Latorres-monae Brown-Perry01/01/199116242 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Keon Reginald Dawson01/01/199516241 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Keondra Marie Williams01/01/198816213 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Keoni Bell01/01/199916682 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kevin Dwayne Arrington01/01/200216195 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kevin Johnson01/01/196016697 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kevin Michael Fordham01/01/197016685 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kianna Ketura-sylvia Davis01/01/198916615 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kiara Marie Dallas01/01/199116690 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kimberli Joi Long01/01/197316801 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kimberly D. Williams-Rogers01/01/196016645 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kimberly E. Swanson01/01/196514751 W McNichols Rd, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kimberly Elaine Swanson-Thomas01/01/196514751 W McNichols Rd, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kimberly McCree01/01/196716910 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kimberly Michelle Johnson01/01/196416577 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kimberly Monique Adams01/01/196816140 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kimberly Patrice Brunson01/01/198016645 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kimberly Yvette Sanford01/01/196516215 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Korey Miles Bell01/01/200216682 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kory Davelle Davis01/01/199416615 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kory Edward Gilkey01/01/199516570 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kristal Kendrick01/01/195916243 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kristen Breon Easley01/01/199516557 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kristopher Richard Kendrick-Calhoun01/01/199016243 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kyel Hayes01/01/196616655 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Kyla Lynn Rollins01/01/198616885 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Kyle Lashawn Conway01/01/199316840 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
L. J. Jackson01/01/195216869 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ladaije Shauntinique Minter01/01/199116915 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lakeisha Shantel Pettis01/01/198616919 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lakia Sharome Lenoir01/01/197916589 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lakira Senai Anderson01/01/198916681 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lamar Stefan Weir01/01/199416257 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lametrious L. Lawrence01/01/196916596 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Larry Darnell Goldsmith01/01/197216876 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lashanda Chamere Cathey01/01/199216874 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lashawnta Keysia Allen01/01/198716818 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lataja Renee Matthews01/01/197316847 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Latasha Tucker01/01/197416511 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Latia Jeanal Moore01/01/199616838 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Latira Jayla Moore01/01/199816838 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Latresha Jhonea Williams01/01/199316133 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Latricia Annette Solomon01/01/196016605 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Latricia Denise Horton01/01/197816133 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Latricia Jeanne Moore01/01/196916838 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Laurette Elaine Mathis01/01/196916883 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lawanda Tatrice Wise01/01/197516155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lawanna Rochelle Lundy01/01/197316634 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lawrence Augustus Johnson01/01/195716227 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lenora Andrews01/01/193516549 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lenord Lamar Vaughn01/01/196616591 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Leon Melvin Gatson01/01/195316886 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Leslie Kareek Lewinson01/01/199816512 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lewis Will Williams01/01/196316546 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lewis Will Williams01/01/192816546 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Linda Elaine Swanson01/01/196214751 W McNichols Rd, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Linda Jean Hunt01/01/194916640 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Linda Rena Anderson01/01/195316842 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Linda Ruth Feagin01/01/195516509 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lisa Bailey01/01/196316550 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lisa Danielle Favors01/01/198716885 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lisa Diane Horton01/01/196616635 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lisa Madra Brown01/01/196716663 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lisa Renee Davis01/01/196616541 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lisha Renee Conner01/01/196016606 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lloyd Davis01/01/194516219 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lois Brassell01/01/194316565 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
London Arianne Lee-Jennings01/01/200016845 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
London Eric Landers01/01/197016676 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lonnie Harrison Callier01/01/196616846 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Loretta Ramsey01/01/196116549 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Louise Pressley01/01/194216578 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Lovie Gray01/01/194716181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Lynn Robinson01/01/196916207 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mable H. Correlis01/01/193416518 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mable Jean Gates01/01/194916179 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Madaline Renee Mitchell01/01/195616828 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Makeila Queena Anderson01/01/198316149 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marcel Christian Miller01/01/200116692 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marcus Darione Riley01/01/200116600 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marcus Jamal Edmonds01/01/199916850 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mariah Lyn Odems01/01/199716155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mario Antoine Spinks01/01/198416237 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mario Lavar Dean01/01/198016580 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Marion B. Johnson01/01/194516853 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mark Young01/01/196416650 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Markail Deshaun Riley01/01/200216600 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marlin Jerome Dinkins01/01/195516154 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marlisha Ann Bentley01/01/198616620 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marlon Marquis Baker01/01/197216817 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marquella Marion Harris01/01/195016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Marquita Charisse Miller01/01/197316692 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marquitta Shontee Hogan01/01/197416654 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marshall van Harris01/01/197516181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marshawnee Latrese Oatneal01/01/197116535 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Martavous Dujuan Taylor01/01/197816548 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Martazes Debra Turner01/01/198316592 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Martel Antione Brooks01/01/198016883 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Martell Juan Moore01/01/198516206 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Martell Lamar Harris01/01/199116875 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Martha Bentley01/01/194116620 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Marvin Edmonds01/01/199616850 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mary Adams01/01/192716500 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mary F. Burrell01/01/197216149 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mary Foriest01/01/196216700 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mary Frances Rawls01/01/199816211 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mary Lee Doggett01/01/194616576 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mattie Davis01/01/195916908 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mattie Louise Collier01/01/195716184 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mattie Wright01/01/194016669 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Maurice Brunson01/01/196116155 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Maurita Lashawn McDonald01/01/197016861 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Maya Simone Morant01/01/198116609 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mellyn A. Pierce01/01/196816651 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Melvin Andrew Myers01/01/199416885 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Melvin Charles Dennis01/01/194216903 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Michael Anthony Harrison01/01/195116811 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Michael Anthony Parker01/01/198816170 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michael Antonio Adkins01/01/199716535 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michael Maurice Person01/01/199716207 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michael Thomas McDonald01/01/194616510 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michael Tyrone Pounds01/01/199816500 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michelle A. Conway01/01/197116840 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michelle Allison Jones01/01/197116840 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Michelle Denise Wilson01/01/197016810 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mildred Myers01/01/195016885 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mildred Williams01/01/192816546 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Miranda Renee Reese01/01/195716133 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Monet Loreal Canty01/01/199216670 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Montrel Rayonia Jones01/01/198616519 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Montresa Tondaleia Eddie01/01/198516825 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Moses Taylor01/01/199516866 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Mya Christina Miller01/01/200216692 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Myrna Evans-Lanford01/01/193616181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Mystique Jene-athena Ridout01/01/198716220 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Najuan Devon Everett01/01/199716141 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Nancy Isom01/01/195316692 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Nancy Julius Johnson01/01/195216656 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Natasha Cansler01/01/197216571 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Nathan Matthew Shields01/01/197016549 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Nathaniel L. Williams01/01/198016646 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Nathaniel Williams01/01/194616646 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Neal Tyrome Jackson01/01/195716564 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Nicole Janeen Washington01/01/197416860 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Nina Faye Jones01/01/195016824 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Nina Kai Petties01/01/198016647 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Nina Renee Jenkins01/01/197116670 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Norman Lindsay01/01/195116612 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ocene Morris01/01/193416585 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ola Belle Lampkin01/01/194516259 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Olivia Latoya Dolford01/01/199016182 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Olivia Mordecai Vaughn01/01/199616567 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Omey Mitchell Carter01/01/196816692 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ozalle Marie Toms01/01/197516199 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Pamela Ann Nash01/01/196916672 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Pamela Renee Roundtree01/01/196916171 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Pamela Renee Wilson01/01/196916171 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Patrice Michelle Sharp01/01/197516561 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Patrice Nichelle Nesbitt01/01/197516217 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Patricia Ann Bell-Stokes01/01/195216825 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Patricia Ann Love01/01/193916564 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Patricia Pasley01/01/194316226 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Patrick Williams01/01/198816700 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Patsy Joan Bell01/01/194916682 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Paul Delexis Carter01/01/195016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Paul Douglas Johnson-Clark01/01/198216669 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Paul Lawrence Doggett01/01/194016576 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Paulette Callier George01/01/194616846 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Pauline Seahorn01/01/193416181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Pearlene Donethea Campbell01/01/198016673 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Percy L. Brown01/01/196216629 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Percy Lee Ferguson01/01/196316155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Philip Tyrell Leadbetter01/01/198916187 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Phillip Romann Simon01/01/195916665 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Phyllis Danita White01/01/195816549 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Phyllis Montresa Shazor01/01/196316825 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Preston Reed01/01/193216905 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Priscilla Margaret Braxton01/01/195216905 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Quanita Tracy Bell01/01/196716682 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Quincy Darnell Card01/01/198816225 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Quincy Donnel Jackson01/01/197616647 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Rachelle Denaza Peterson01/01/197516866 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ramona Michelle Perry01/01/197216135 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Randale Shawn Chapman01/01/198716166 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Randi Latajah Walker01/01/200016589 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Raydell Terry Crockett01/01/199616611 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Raymond Anthony Dunmore01/01/199216835 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Raymond Greene01/01/194116833 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Raymond Lawrence Twine01/01/194316885 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Rayshaun Marcel Lipscomb01/01/199816135 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Reba Estelle Cosby01/01/197216136 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Rebecca Williams01/01/192116181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Regina Annette Dinkins01/01/196816154 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Reginald Lorenzo Thigpen01/01/197016200 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Reginald Nathan Moore01/01/196316838 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Rena M. Canty01/01/194416670 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Renaul Dwyane Fair01/01/197016621 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Renesha Marie Perdue01/01/198116213 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Rhondee Marie Palmer01/01/199716146 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Richard Corwin Bell01/01/196316833 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Richard Eugene Hutson01/01/198716166 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Rickey Darnel Bryant01/01/196216596 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Rickey Larmar Taylor01/01/197916600 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ricky Bernard Sailes01/01/198116656 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Robert Earl Rawls01/01/195916211 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Robert Edward Dowling01/01/194216593 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Robert Ford01/01/195016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Robin Patrice Parham01/01/196716557 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Roderick Lewis Kelly01/01/196814820 Puritan St, Detroit, MI 48227Didn't Vote
Romelo Renard Bryant01/01/199716245 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ronald Shoen Gaines01/01/197616635 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ronald Smith01/01/196816581 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ronicka Leaira Strong01/01/199116591 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ronnie Johnson01/01/199416883 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Rose Laverne Turner01/01/195516592 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Rose Marie Paris01/01/193116626 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Rozell Chappell01/01/194316181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Ruby Marie Files01/01/195416805 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Ruthesa Ann Irvin01/01/198116827 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sabrina Johnston01/01/196816915 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sabrina Thomas01/01/195616181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sabrina Thomas01/01/195616181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sakitha Taborah Scott01/01/198316206 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Salena Ilene Gilbert01/01/197816657 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Samuel Clyde Burts01/01/195616898 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Samuel Smith01/01/196916212 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sanaa Aiesha Richardson01/01/197316684 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sandra Jean Turner01/01/194816874 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sandra Lynette Brown01/01/196716159 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Saprina Jean Brown01/01/197116236 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sara M. Sanders01/01/192416170 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Saretha Dennis-Lewis01/01/196516226 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sarina Marie Hutson01/01/195816166 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sean Jermaine Moore01/01/197016532 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Shaaron Latrice Jones01/01/199116620 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shakeela Jessica Adams01/01/197716140 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Shalonda Marie Kinchen01/01/199516192 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Shanice Evone Schley01/01/199516525 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shaniqua Nicole McCaughan01/01/198016556 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shannon Marie Haynie01/01/197316525 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shantal Monique Minter01/01/197616817 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shantz Kadeem-edward Minter01/01/199316817 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sharlitha Beverly Bryant01/01/197816245 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Shatasha Michelle Brown-White01/01/199516554 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Shaughn Tamara Wilson01/01/197416660 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shayla Clarice-gene Scaife01/01/199516891 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shearetta Maria White01/01/196316215 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shearrisa Lemeka McKeller01/01/198916200 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sheila A. Clay01/01/196516627 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sheldon Lamont Fields01/01/197316684 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Shirley Dockery01/01/195716832 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Shirley Mae Norman01/01/194116511 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sidney Lynn Arrington-Ashford01/01/199716195 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sierra Latrice Echols01/01/198716215 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Simpkin Jones01/01/194416557 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sonya Monique Seabrooks01/01/197216676 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Stacie Lynn White01/01/197316191 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Stager Lamarr Horton01/01/195716635 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Staley Slappy01/01/193316616 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Stanley Demarco Files01/01/199216805 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Stephanie Bettina McVey01/01/196016181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Stephanie Renee Ryans01/01/196716576 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Stephen Rayvaughn Rawls01/01/198516557 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Sumeicko Jolnna Little01/01/198016673 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Sylvester Anthony Tobias01/01/197116661 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Takala Monique Jackson01/01/199316875 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Takeisha Laron Duncan01/01/198216206 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tamika Sherece Lane01/01/197216839 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tammy M. Luke01/01/196616832 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tammy Marie Henderson-Luke01/01/196616832 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tamra Zakiyyah El-Amin01/01/195116556 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tanzania S. Weekes01/01/199516633 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tariah Shanale-charlene Davidson01/01/199116225 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tariq Jaleel Reid01/01/199916660 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Taurean Anthony Byrd01/01/199016656 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Taurean Mykel Smith01/01/198616827 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Taurus Level McBride01/01/197016889 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tawana Yvette Jackson01/01/198916875 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Temperance Renee Jackson01/01/196316567 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Terrell H. Ramsey01/01/198716549 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Terry Carroll Dorsey01/01/198816643 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Terry Field Fleming01/01/195516181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Terry Lee Thomas01/01/197616154 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Thomas Maurice Lewis01/01/194416226 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Thomas Washington01/01/196116615 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tiana Lenai-r Duncan01/01/199916206 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tiffany Marie Clark01/01/198316571 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tiffany Monae Archibald01/01/198816853 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tiffany Yolanda Britt01/01/198016526 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tijuana Marie Bembry01/01/198616170 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Timika Reshan Richardson01/01/197616852 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Timothy Guthers01/01/197116800 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tina Marie Melton01/01/196816802 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tinnille Laverne Hardwick01/01/197916820 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Titania Mae Harris01/01/197216155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tokeshia Lachele Nelson01/01/197016228 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tomeko Cooper01/01/197216185 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tonesa Sidney Thornton01/01/197916556 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tonita Lynne Pierce01/01/196716512 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tonya Lavetta Tinsley01/01/197016802 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tortia Lorraine Mayes01/01/196616676 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tory James Taliaferro01/01/197416627 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Toryelle Taliaferro01/01/199416842 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Toyia Rolene Hawkins01/01/198316150 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tracy Yvette Vaughn01/01/196716591 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Twanda Anise Thompson01/01/196616677 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tyanesha Patton01/01/197416894 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tyrell Delano Caldwell01/01/198416623 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tyresha Delana Caldwell01/01/199116623 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tyrone Charles Coleman01/01/198516211 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Tyrone Jerimiah Davidson01/01/198316600 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tywayne Deshawn-edward Currie01/01/199916141 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Tyyra Af Hall01/01/199216589 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Valarie Harris01/01/197016599 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Valary Rollins01/01/193216564 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Valerie L. Lester01/01/195616185 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Valtine Phillips01/01/193916181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Vanita Tenaye-angelica Carlisle01/01/199416155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Vashauna Michelle Lipscomb01/01/200016135 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Velma H. Scott01/01/195016635 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Venetia Stringer01/01/195816831 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Venice Darcell Beamon01/01/196116259 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Verna Josephine Badura01/01/192016891 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Vernetta Deshawn Humber01/01/197416227 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Vernor Elane Smith01/01/194916212 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Viola Denise Sims01/01/195716825 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Virgil Pattman01/01/196816800 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Virgilio Thomas01/01/196816800 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Vunisha Tomica Lawson01/01/198216890 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Walter Williams01/01/195816155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Wanda Williams01/01/195716155 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Wanda Yvonne Dickerson01/01/196516181 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Wendell Wentworth Minott01/01/195116828 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Willa Maude Bradley01/01/192716557 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
William Arthur Bledsoe01/01/195216565 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
William R. Mosley01/01/194016123 Hubbell St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
William Russell Jennings01/01/193016845 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Willie Adam Brown01/01/195816850 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Willie Anthony Young01/01/195016847 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Willie Hart Gordon01/01/197016179 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Willie Thornton Miller01/01/194716867 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Winfred Alvin Dorsey01/01/196716903 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Winsley C. Walker01/01/197816891 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Xavier Marquis Earl01/01/199316684 Coyle St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Yolanda Xylona Frisco01/01/196916162 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Yvette Marie Stafford01/01/196916877 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Yvette Yvonne Coleman01/01/196216211 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Yvonne Beverly-ann Ledbetter01/01/198716854 Lauder St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Yvonne Jacquline Suldon01/01/194416633 Marlowe St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Yvonne Vivien Barnett-Taylor01/01/195916633 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Voted
Zamonta Dashawn Martin-Jackson01/01/200116540 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote
Zaneshia Dashawna Martin-Jackson01/01/200216540 Robson St, Detroit, MI 48235Didn't Vote



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