Sandy K. Baruah President and Chief Executive Officer at Detroit Regional Chamber | Twitter Website
Sandy K. Baruah President and Chief Executive Officer at Detroit Regional Chamber | Twitter Website
The Detroit Regional Chamber's TalentEd program has secured a $3.375 million grant from the Ballmer Group to enhance career preparation programs in the region. This funding aims to connect students with career opportunities and address barriers that hinder them from obtaining credentials for well-paying jobs.
Greg Handel, Vice President of TalentEd at the Chamber, stated, "With this new funding, TalentEd is poised to advance systems change that will better ensure students are successfully accessing and completing post-high school education and work-based learning experiences that will result in meaningful employment." The initiative focuses on healthcare pathways through career exposure at the K-12 level, alongside strategies for college success for students pursuing healthcare majors.
The Ballmer Group's support will focus on four main areas: collaboration with business and education leaders in the Detroit Regional Talent Compact; coaching to prevent "summer melt" as students transition to college; increasing employer engagement in educational initiatives; and expanding communication efforts about the value of college.
This new funding builds upon a previous grant from Ballmer Group which helped increase post-high school educational attainment goals and reduce racial equity gaps by 2030. Over 4,000 students have benefited from programs like Summer Melt and Summer Bridge, receiving coaching to prepare for college. Additionally, partnerships with over 40 employers have provided career readiness activities for more than 1,300 students through virtual and in-person events.